Project SxRandom

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Detailed description

Plays random chess/shogi moves. Supports UCI and XBoard protocol.


Chess start position perft 10 calculation

d2d3: 5071006040569
d2d4: 6459463242656
e2e3: 7299373354878
e2e4: 7380003266234
c2c3: 3072577495123
c2c4: 3437747391692
f2f3: 1945020011164
f2f4: 2418056589775
b2b3: 2774842822463
b2b4: 2772533545113
g2g3: 2853630724145
g2g4: 2624128147144
a2a3: 2149477156227
a2a4: 2905552970419
h2h3: 2142832044687
h2h4: 2948003834105
b1a3: 2440848135252
b1c3: 3096505857746
g1f3: 3090773583680
g1h3: 2470483499345
Nodes Searched: 69352859712417

Developed since Jul 2019 by David Šafránek (Safrad)



The latest available version is 1


Screenshot Screenshot 2